DoorDash Adds Cash on Delivery
American food delivery company DoorDash has announced it the addition of cash on delivery to payment options on its Drive service, stating the move is in response to customer demand and will also benefit its drivers.
Restaurant industry news website Restaurant Dive reports the cash-friendly update will be particularly beneficial for pizza restaurants. DoorDash says 20 percent of its Drive pizza orders are paid for in cash when the option is offered, with pizza restaurants now able to fulfil all order types.
In its announcement, DoorDash says its restaurant partners ‘shared that some of their customers appreciate the flexibility to pay with cash’. A key reason given for this preference was reportedly an unwillingness to share credit card details over the phone.
The advantage to drivers is instant payment, with DoorDash saying 75 percent of couriers across America have already opted in to accept cash orders.
Cash On Delivery through DoorDash Drive is one way we’ve maintained [a] high-quality service… We can grow our business online while still enabling customers to pay with cash should they desire.