Assessing Cash Acceptance Across Britain

Apr 24, 2023


Research from cash network provider LINK shows that while more than 70 percent of people report using cash in the last two weeks, over half also report recently having cash rejected by retailers, or being discouraged from using it.

This is Money warns ‘the dash towards a cashless society is inconveniencing huge numbers of shoppers who want to make purchases with notes and coins,’ with London having the highest amount of businesses unwilling to accept cash payments.

Given cash use in the UK has recently risen for the first time in over a decade, as more Brits discover physical money can help them take control of their finances, news that some businesses are not welcoming cash payments is perhaps surprising.

Evidence suggests people are increasingly turning back to cash as a way to budget, keep on top of finances and curb spending, so this is not the time to make life more inconvenient for cash users.
"Martyn James, Consumer Rights Expert

With the resurgence in popularity of ‘cash stuffing’—a budgeting technique that has users place banknotes into envelopes to cover basic expenses such as rent and grocery shopping, and only use what remains after all these are filled for non-essentials—tales of young people reducing debt and even starting to save money abound. In the latest success story, young Texan Jasmine Taylor’s cash-based budgeting journey became so popular on TikTok that she has now turned it into a highly successful business helping others get their finances in order.

Fortunately for Brits looking to follow her example, cash remains popular among small businesses, with one being especially vocal in its endorsement of cash payments, telling people to ‘use it or lose it’.

Other businesses wishing to show their support for cash can sign up to the Which? Cash Friendly Pledge, guaranteeing notes and coins will be accepted for goods and services, and displaying logos so people can see cash is welcome. Customers who experience cash rejection can also direct the business involved to that page for more information on the value of cash to equality and personal freedom.

Last Updated: Apr 24, 2023