May 13th-15th, 2018: ESTA Cash conference in Budapest, Hungary
From Sunday 13th to Tuesday 15th of May, 2018, the European Security Transport Association (ESTA) will be hosting a three-panel discussion on 'Cash vs Alternative Means of Payment: Opportunities or Threats' at the InterContinental Budapest hotel in Hungary.
Excerpt from the ESTA-Cash event page
The theme of the conference “Cash vs Alternative Means of Payment: Opportunities or Threats?” will review the payment instruments landscape and assess the place of cash in the jungle of electronic payment instruments. With a market share of more than 50% of all payments and 79% of payments below 20 euros, is cash at risk? Are new electronic payment technologies a threat to cash or primarily competitors to other, older electronic payments schemes? Is a cashless society workable, let alone thinkable?
- Keynote: Pol. Major General Dr. Zsolt Halmosi from the Hungarian National Police Headquarters, opens conference session
- Setting the scene: An update from ECB, the EC and a presentation of the World Cash Report
- Panel 1: EU harmonization of Cash payment limitations (CPLs)
- Panel 2: Alternative (non-cash) payment instruments: the fallacy of a cash less society.
- Panel 3: Cash vs alternative payments: friends or foes?
- Concluding session: Attack and Loss session
* The program for this event is subject to change, click here for updates.
With views of the river Danube, the spacious InterContinental Budapest will offer an inspiring conference setting, a high-tech conference room, coffee breaks, lunches, reception cocktails, a dinner cruise, an optional Partner Gourmet & City Tour and more...
"This year we will address the topic of the interest of central banks and consumers & retailers in block chain technologies and virtual/crypto currencies!"
A lively, international exhibition in the heart of the conference area, will display ESTA members’ services and technologies. ESTA members’ companies are represented during the conference by their senior executives, CEO or owners. This exhibition is a unique opportunity for conference participants to develop links with potential business partners.
Attendees will also have less to stress about in terms of getting home as they can simply hop on a bus shuttle that takes its passengers from the hotel to the airport after the conference.
Download ESTA Cash event page here
Register to attend the event here (opens May 13th, 2018)
InterContinental Budapest Apáczai Csere János u. 12,
Budapest, 1052 Hungary
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@ESTACashEu @CashMattersOrg
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About ESTA
The European Security Transport Association (ESTA) is the European Cash Management Companies Association and the recognized voice of the industry ensuring that cash is safe, available and an efficient means of payment.